torsdag 21 januari 2021




For families with children in Malmö city preschools

Together we can reduce

the risk of infection


Welcome to a new semester of preschool. We will continue our shared efforts to prevent infection from Covid-19 and other diseases in our preschools.


Our rules are based on guidelines and recommendations from relevant authorities. Different preschools may have different conditions, so please follow the rules that apply to your child's preschool. We must work together to ensure that preschools remain open.


Welcome if you are healthy


·       Children and adults who are ill must stay home. This also applies to mild cold symptoms if these do not disappear after 24 hours. Remember to notify the preschool of your child's illness to enable the facility to plan properly.

·       Your child should not return to preschool until he or she has been well for at least two days.

·       Children and adults should also stay home if anyone in the household has been diagnosed with Covid-19. This also applies to those who have no symptoms.

·       If your child becomes ill at preschool, you must immediately come to pick up your child. Preschool staff wearing masks and visors will take care of your child until you arrive.

·       Remember to keep your distance from others, especially other adults, when dropping off and picking up your child.


Preschool measures to prevent the spread of infection


·       We spend as much time as possible outdoors and avoid crowding. Make sure that your child brings appropriate outdoor clothing.

·       Children must be dropped off and picked up outside, or in some manner that ensures social distancing between parents, children, and staff members. Follow the rules for your preschool.

·       Staff members and children be washing their hands often and in the correct manner.


For more information

See for more information on what you as a parent should consider, and how we work to prevent the spread of infection.


Kind regards,

The Preschool Administration, City of Malmö